Friday 18 May 2007

A Bit of Old Skool.

Here's something a little different (ish). This is a painting I did a couple of years ago. The outline of the figure was printed onto clear plastic. I then painted the colour on the reverse and placed it over the painted background. Pretty simple stuff with a pretty ok result. You don't really see it here, but having the background from the foreground gives the final image a unique 3D feel.

This was going to be the start of some paintings I had planned ... but they never ended up being done. Traditional painting scares me a little, there's no 'undo' and 'layers' like in Photoshop, but I do plan to get back into it in the near future. When I do I'll be sure to post some up.

Anyway, I've got something else up sleeve at the mo', so the next post shouldn't be too far away.

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