Friday 9 October 2009

Bang Bang You're Dead

Not much to say about the above. Just a good excuse to post.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

Stick It.

Above is the 'something completely different' I was talking about earlier (a few months ago).

Street Fighter 4 cannot be played on a gamepad and I wasn't ready to spend about $400 on a good stick (especially when it's best played 2 player), so I decided to spend months constructing my own.

In the end I went a bit crazy and made about 10 of them.

Saturday 25 July 2009

I will destroy.

I will search your Facebook photos randomly.

I will collect.

I will destroy.

Monday 13 July 2009

So ...

The below image is just another good reason to never attempt to draw yourself or anyone you ever know.

I started it a few weeks back and pretty much had it all done after playing around for a couple of hours. But it sucked. I had a look at it again the other night and realised it was beyond redemption. So, how do you make a self portrait look more like the self? Simple, throw a photo of you over it.

The result is somewhat weird. I don't know if I like it or not. It just looks a bit too much like a photo, and less like an illustration.

Anyway, I've got a few images of something completely different to post up soon. That'll be exciting.

Saturday 11 July 2009


And this is what I'd
probably look like if I ever killed someone.

I'll explain more about it's creation later.
Thanks for listening.

Sunday 10 May 2009

Coffee + dead brain =

It had just gone 11pm, I was buzzing with caffeine, had swapped the chair at my desk, reinstalled my Wacom tablet, my ipod was blasting a strange mixture of Incubus and Kelly Clarkson and Photoshop was loading up ...

5 hours later and I was shutting down the computer and crawling to bed.

Wednesday 29 April 2009

To the Pub (lisher)

Two posts in one week. Not bad for having about 2 years off.

I remembered today that I had some new(ish) work I could post up. The above is a cover illustration I did a few months back for a childrens book titled "Scoop and Scribe: Search for the Seven Stars of Matariki". It was a job we did at work and I had the pleasure of illustrating it.

The story was originally written for an in-paper reading programme, so unfortunately the illustrations were not created for the shape of the final book. Also the illustrations were a bit rough due to me only thinking they were going in the paper. Oh, and personally I think they made a mess of the cover design - don't blame me for that.


Monday 27 April 2009

Hrmmm ...

Not much to say really. It's been almost 2 years since I last posted some work, which is a pretty sad fact. But, despite this, I'm still hopeful that I'll get some new work up in the next few months. Autumn and Winter seem to have a depressing, secludedness about them that tends to motive me to create more. I guess it makes sense that I'd rather be outside during summer.

Anyway, above is an illustration I created about a month ago. It was for a competition to win an Xbox 360 Arcade Machine. The brief was to create a new character for the newly released Street Fighter 4. I tried to copy the style of the existing artwork created, while not taking a lifetime to illustrate. In the end it took about 2 nights work.

Did I win? Well, I thought I had it in the bag, but I don't even know if it got looked at it, cause some rough sketch created with felt tips took it's place as number one. Such is life.